Integral Yoga Key Teaching – June 2016

“Life is like a turbulent river, big floods may come. If you don’t have enough strength, hold onto people who do.  You should know that by yourself you cannot cross. Have confidence in those people who can support you and say, ‘Holding onto each other we can all...

Keys to Recovery

When addressing addictions, a one-size-fits-all approach often fails. Yoga of Recovery founder Durga Leela shares two insights that were key to her own recovery. By using Ayurveda to complement Western therapy, Yoga of Recovery has changed thousands of lives.  There...
Recipe: Amazing Almond Dressing

Recipe: Amazing Almond Dressing

The chefs at Yogaville are accustomed to guests poking their heads into the kitchen, asking to have the recipe for a dish they’ve just been served. We’re always happy to share our creations. Our most requested recipe is a lunch and dinner staple: The...
Women’s Yoga VS Men’s Yoga

Women’s Yoga VS Men’s Yoga

In the late 1980s, the number of men to women in any Yoga class was about one out of ten, or 10 percent. According to Mathew Solan, a former senior editor at Yoga Journal, by 2002 the number had risen to 12 percent. “It’s growing,” he said. In the latest survey...

Integral Yoga Key Teaching – May 2016

“If you want to keep the mind calm and clean, at least have clean thoughts—ones that won’t disturb the mind. That means we have a lot to work on. Every time the mind is disturbed it means you are thinking an unclean thought. Don’t blame others for your...