Working Without Tension with Swami Divyananda
Podcast Transcript Avi GordonSo this topic of peace and a peaceful mind, obviously it was so important to Guru Dev. I mean, I love hearing him talk about the pieces. This is God, you know what's what's your take on this? We Swami Divyananda don't want to go to pieces. Okay? We want a peaceful mind. And the slogan that I love of his is, do whatever it takes to retain your peace. Like bottom line, whatever it takes. And usually we won't do whatever it takes. We get attached to Avi Gordonthings. So how do you help yourself do whatever it takes? Oh, Swami Divyananda and probably the very worst at that that I think the most important thing is regular meditation, because the meditation puts us in touch with the part of us that is truly in peace, and then we carry a little bit of that into the day. But it's our attachments. It's the attachments I have that keep troubling that piece, disturbing that piece. It's hard to give them up. Avi GordonYeah, it seems that like there's this, like...
Finding Home in Integral Yoga Therapy
IYTh is based on the teachings of His Holiness Sri Swami Satchidananda Maharaj who taught that health and happiness are our birthright; our work is to undo the attachments and stressors that cause suffering.
How Meditation Can Help
in Times of Loss and Heartbreak
In grief and loss, the mind is powerfully affected. The way we think is changed. The content of our thoughts is altered. Particularly in early and traumatic grief, we forget things, we lose things, we are distracted and inattentive. Alternatively, we can be utterly...
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