Yoga Nidra: An Outside In and Inside Out Practice

Yoga Nidra: An Outside In and Inside Out Practice

I spent January sinking deep into the study and practice of Yoga Nidra with Julie Lusk. I started practicing Yoga Nidra almost daily in 2020 during the COVID pandemic. Over time Yoga Nidra became a respite from all that swirled around me. As we emerged from the pandemic and life began to open, my routines shifted and Yoga Nidra got lost in the re-awakening of life. It became a reaction to the stressors in life instead of a proactive foundation. Yoga Nidra training presented me with an opportunity to come back to this dear friend and to deepen my practice. I’ve always been drawn to the concept of the koshas but I never truly understood the  connection between Yoga Nidra and the koshas until diving deeper in this training. The  koshas, known as energetic layers, sheaths, or coverings, are what shield us from the truth of who we really are: the truth that we are joy and love. Yes, my sankalpa (intention) for the last 3 years has been “Be, in love.” Be.Live.From love.Always. Yoga Nidra...

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Why Study About Death and Dying?

Why Study About Death and Dying?

One of the most important things we can do to prepare for death is to think about it. Bring it into your life, and as Don Juan said, “Use death as an advisor.” What would you do if you had six months to live? What would you cut out of your life? What would you do if...

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The Best Comfort is Inside You

The Best Comfort is Inside You

This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.—William Shakespeare   If you have a poor opinion about yourself certainly it will affect your heart, your mind, your personality. What...

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