Five Reasons to Teach Yoga to Teens

Five Reasons to Teach Yoga to Teens

Imagine if you had access to Yoga as a teen—how would it have impacted your life? There is a good chance that if you are reading this article, Yoga has influenced your life in a profound way. Teens are at a ripe age, impressionable to new ideas and experiences as they...
Form Versus Action in Our Yoga Practice

Form Versus Action in Our Yoga Practice

Have you ever been in a Yoga class and been given a subtle cue by the instructor that completely changes the way the body feels in an asana (posture)? It’s not uncommon for Hatha Yoga practitioners to feel that they’ve mastered a pose by achieving its outward form....
Step Out of the Studio for 2017 Yoga Festivals

Step Out of the Studio for 2017 Yoga Festivals

It’s almost officially summertime, which means that it’s festival season! Yogaville is gearing up to take Integral Yoga into the outdoors for local Yoga festivals.  Yogaville will be present at several festivals this year, the biggest of which are Shensara, Floyd Yoga...
Shake It Off: Neurogenic Yoga™ and TRE®

Shake It Off: Neurogenic Yoga™ and TRE®

What if you could shake off your stress, tension, and trauma? That’s exactly what students are doing when they practice Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) and Neurogenic Yoga. Both practices activate the body’s natural, therapeutic shaking response called...
Women’s Yoga VS Men’s Yoga

Women’s Yoga VS Men’s Yoga

In the late 1980s, the number of men to women in any Yoga class was about one out of ten, or 10 percent. According to Mathew Solan, a former senior editor at Yoga Journal, by 2002 the number had risen to 12 percent. “It’s growing,” he said. In the latest survey...
The Purpose of Hatha Yoga

The Purpose of Hatha Yoga

What is the purpose of your Hatha Yoga practice? Why do you practice? What are you hoping to achieve through your practice? Just as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras form the definitive text of Raja Yoga, so is Svatmarama’s Hatha Yoga Pradipika the authoritative text of Hatha...