Rewire Your Brain With Silence

Rewire Your Brain With Silence

Sound affects the human body on a deep cellular level. All of the sounds we hear throughout the day (alarms, music, traffic, etc.) vibrate every cell of our body, whether we are aware of it or not. In recent years, studies have suggested that Mozart’s sonatas have a...
Ayurvedic Strategies for Balance

Ayurvedic Strategies for Balance

Ayurveda is usually translated as the science of longevity. The intention of Ayurveda is to bring our doshas, or bio-energy-body types, into balance so that we can experience optimum physical and mental health, which can support our spiritual growth. Since the...
Warning: Laughter Can Be Hazardous to Your Illness

Warning: Laughter Can Be Hazardous to Your Illness

By Bharata Wingham, Laugha Yoga® Leader and Teacher A cheerful heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit makes one sick.—Proverbs 17:22 Laugh for the health of it! When is the last time you had a good laugh? This was a question I used to ask myself from...