The Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville library established in 1989 to serve the Yogaville community and ashram residents has some 20,000 holdings in all material types including: books, periodicals voice & video recordings. The library, officially called Vidya Bhavan (Abode of learning), provides a quiet, peaceful place for study.  It is open 6 days a week and is available to all our guests, and program participants.   We have books in some 30 languages including: French, German, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi, Sanskrit and Tamil etc.. While having books on all subjects we specialize in books on religions and spiritual practices.

The Story of the Yogaville Library

Sometimes things happen in the most unusual way. This is the story of how the Yogaville library came to be.

The Story of SASTRI - Satsangs of Swami Satchidananda

After 19 years of some very intense and challenging work the master archive of all Swami Satchidananda’s satsangs is complete.

We are especially rich in the areas of Hinduism & Buddhism as well as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikh, Native American, and all other religions –  (see partial listing below). It is an extensive collection worthy of graduate level scholarly study. These include: the complete Pali Cannon in Pali,  a complete set of Tibetan Buddhist scripture in the facsimile from the original palm-leaf writings, all the Hindu Puranas, many editions of the Ramayana but our most extensive is the Tamil collection which has no equal anyplace outside of Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India.

There is also a complete collection of Sri Swami Sivananda’s writings; a collection of over 400 books, including some of the very earliest dating back to the 1930’s.   In addition to this we also have extensive collections in:  Hindu astrology,  & Western art and art history.   We invite scholars, graduate students in Buddhism, SE Asian Studies and Tamil to come research and study as special guests.

Our chief Librarian, Swami Murugananda, who single-handedly created the library, cataloged and classified the entire collection is here to serve you in finding books on whatever subject you are interested in researching.

Latest Additions

  • Recorded Sayings of Zen Master Joshu
  • This Light in Oneself: True Meditation by Krishnamurti
  • Inward Revolution: Bringing About Radical Change in the World by Krishnamurti
  • Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
  • Open Heart, An: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life by HH the Dalia Lama
  • Meeting The Buddha: On Pilgrimage In Buddhist India by Aitken, Molly E
  • Food for the Soul: Vegetarianism & Yoga Traditions by Rosen, Steven J
  • Genius of the Transcendent: Mystical Writings of Jakob Boehme by Birkel, Michael
  • Thousand Names of the Divine Mother Dhammapada by Fronsdal, Gil
  • Yoga Spandakarika: The Sacred Texts at the Origins of Tantra by Odier, Daniel
  • Yoga for the West by Rawlinson, Ian
    For Those with Little Dust: Pointers on the Teachings of Ramana Maharshi by Osborne, A
  • Wake up & Roar by Papaji
Hinduism Books Collection
  • Akhilananda, Swami. Hindu View of Christ.
  • Allers, Judy. Book of the Dragon.
  • Anon. Sri Naga Sai Mandir; Coimbatore. Note: English & Tamil.
  • Arunachalam, M. Cultural Heritage of Hinduism.
  • Aurobindo, Sri. Hymns to the Mystic Fire
  • Aurobindo, Sri. Writings in Bengali
  • Ayyangar Ramaswamy and Desika, Vedanta. Varadaraja Panchasat.
  • Ayyangar, D R. Ramayana Concept of Divya Daampatyam (Divine Couple)
  • Bae, James H. In a World of Gods & Goddesses: Mystic Art of Indra Sharma.
  • Bagavati, Ma Jaya. Hidden Under the Breast of the Mother
  • Bagavati, Ma Jaya. If Heaven Would Only Close its Doors.
  • Balendra, D W. Trinconmalie Bronzes.
  • Bhushana, S K and Desika, Vedanta. Subhashithanivi
  • Braha, James T. Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer.
  • Burton, Richard F. Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana. Chandavakarkar, G A. Manual of Hindu Ethics.
  • Chandrasekharananda, Sw. Hindu Dharma: The Universal Way of Life.
  • Chauvelot, Robert and Brooks, E S. Mysterious India: Rajas, Brahmans, Fakirs.
  • Chidananda, Sri Swami. Ultimate Journey
  • Danielou, A. Gods of India: Hindu Polytheism.
  • Dowsn, John. Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology & Religion: Geography History & Literature.
  • Goetz, Hermann. India Five Thousand Years of Art.
  • Iyengar, G S Sampath. Ancient Hindu Astronomy.
  • Iyengar, Sampath. Ancient Hindu Astronomy.
  • Jyothirmayananda, S. Mysticism of the Ramayana.
  • Jyothirmayananda, S. Yoga Vasistha (sic) V.IV Nirvanan Prakarna Purvada. Signed by Auth.
  • Jyothirmayananda, Sw. Mysticism of Hindu Gods & Goddesses.
  • Jyotirmayananda, Sw. Mysticism of Devi Mahatmaya.
  • Kolapen, Mahalingum (sic). Hindu Temples in North America.
  • Krishnaswami, Uma. Broken Tusk: Stories of the Hindu God Ganesh
  • Krishnawali Singh. People of India. Bagavati, Ma Jaya. Breathe & Dance with the Gods
  • Madanjeet Singh. Himalayan Art.
  • Mahalingam, N. Hindu Astronomers.
  • Munsterberg, H. Sculpture of the Orient
    Note: Vedas Cosmic sacrifice, Asura, Vedic Deities, Vishnu, Avatar Symbolism
  • Ortner, Jon. Where Every Breath is a Prayer.
  • Patwardhan, M V. Manusmriti: Ideal Democratic Republic of Manu.
  • Prakashanand, Sw. Biographies of Rasik Saints.
  • Reddiar, A V R K. Soundaram Lahari: Prayers on Goddess Parvathi.
  • Sarkar, B K and Basu, B D. Positive Background of Hindu Sociology.
  • Sarkar, Benoy K. Positive Background of Hindu Sociology.
  • Sharvananda, S. Mandukyopanisad.
  • Shastri, Hari Prasad. Siva Purana, V.3.
  • Shastri, J L. Siva Purana, V.2.
  • Shastri, J L. Siva Purana, V.4.
  • Shastri, J L. Siva Purana; V.1.Note: Vidyesarva Samhita, Rudra Samhita.
  • Sivacharya, Arulmaldi Swamigal. Collected Lectures on Saiva Siddhanta Note: Tamil & Eng.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Prayer Book
  • Sivaya Subramuniya Swami. Dancing With Siva: a Hindu Catechism
  • Sivaya Sumbramuniyaswami. Saivite Calendar.
  • Sivaya Sumbramuniyaswami. Saivite Dictionary Collection of Hindu Philosophical Terms.
  • Smith, H Daniel. Vaisnava Iconography. 
Lee, Sherman E. History of Far Eastern Art.
  • Uttara Swamimalai Swaminataha Swami Temple (Hindi, Tamil & Eng)
  • Venkatesananda, S. Ancient Religion, a New Look.
  • Venkatesananda, S. Cosmic Dance. Venkatesananda, Sw. Cosmic Power: Devi Mahatmaya.
  • Vidyarnava, RBSC and Basu, B D. Daily Practices of the Hindus, Containing Morning & Midday Duties. [1918 ].
    Note: Sanskrit & Eng.
  • Vidyarnava, RBSC. Yajnavalka Smriti : Acharya Adhyaya.
  • Wilkins, W J. Hindu Mythology. Gift SG. Indological, [1871 ].
  • Wilson, Epiphanius and Arnold, Edwin. Hindu Literature
  • Woodroffe, John and Avalon, Arthur. Shakti & Shakta : Essays & Addresses.
Sivananda Books Collection
  • Anand, Yogi. Sivananda: Day-To-Day
  • Anand, Yogi. Sivananda: The Singer of Salvation.
  • Ananda Kutir. Diamond Jubilee – Commemorative Volume of Sri Swami Sivananda.
  • Ananthanarayanan N & Sivananda Sri Swami. Swami Krishnananda Sashyabdaputri Mahotsava
    Anantharnarayanan, N. From Man to God-Man.
  • Anon. Sivananda Mavuna Swamigal (Tamil).
  • Asopa, Savitri. Sivananda: Poet, Philosopher & Saint
    Chidananda, Sri Swami and Krishnananda,
  • S. Saga of a Dedicated Soul.
    Chidananda, Sri Swami. World-Guide Sivananda.
  • Divine Life Society and Chinmayananda, Gurudev Sivananda Pictorial Volume
    in Commemoration of Centenary. [1987 ].
  • Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda Centenary Charitable Hospital.
  • Divine Life Society. Swami Sivananda: In Memoriam.
  • Gyan, Siva. Biography of Swami Sivananda.
  • Iyengar, R. R. Sivananda: Day-To-Day.
  • Jyoti. A Few Precious Days with Swami Venkatesananda.
  • Jyotirmayananda, Sw. Guide to Sivananda Yoga Museum.
  • Krishnananda, S and Sivananda, Sri Swami. Apostle of India’s Spiritual Culture.
  • Kuppuswami, A V. Swami Sivanandaji’s All India Tour.  , [1967 ].
  • Moorini, Imani Narayani. Sri Sankara Sivananda Gurumalu (Telugu
  • Omkarananda, Swami. Religion of Sivananda.
  • Omkarananda, Swami. Shakespeare on Sivananda. Inscribed by Sivanandaji.
  • Omkarananda, Swami. Sivananda Literature: V.2.  [1961]
  • Omkarananda, Swami. Stanford University Studies in Sivananda Literature.
  • Paramananda, Swami. Philosophy and Teachings of Swami Sivananda
  • Paramananda, Swami. Philosophy and Teachings of Swami Sivananda
  • Pyle, Tilak. A Giant in the Background: Bibliographic Study of Swami Sivananda.
  • Santananda, Sw. Sivananda Day to Day.  [1960 ].
  • Sarada, Srimathi. Vignette of Swami Sivananda
  • Sastri, S. Gopala. Sivananda Stotra Ratnamala
  • Shamash, Liliane. Women’s Light & Guide.  [1948 ].
  • Sharma, A.N. Swami Sivananda: The Sage of Practical Wisdom.: .
  • Sivananda – Margarita. Towering Saint of the Himalayas Swami Sivananda. Note: Articles on Sivananda for 72nd Birthday.
  • Sivananda Mauna Guru. Arul Jnana Mozhigal= Words of Wisdom & Grace (Tamil)
  • Sivananda Mauna Guruswamigal, B. Compassion to Living Beings (Tamil) .
  • Sivananda Publications. Diamond Jubilee: Commemorative Volume of Sri Swami Sivananda
  • Sivananda, Sr Swami. Sivananda’s Letters to Dr Chhatrapati.
  • Sivananda, Sr Swami. Wisdom Light. , [1957].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami & Vidyananda. Sivanandarshan Bajanavali. .
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami and Satchidananda, Swami (not Gurudev) edit. Sivananda
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami and Venkatesananda, S. Sivananda Daily Readings:
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami and Venkatesananda, Swami. Inspiring Talks
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. A Boon to Diabetics.[1953].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Advice to Women
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Adyatmic Yoga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Amrita Gita.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ananda Gita
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ananda Gita.  , [1974].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Asthma Its Cause & Cure. [1953].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bagavad Gita: Sivananda Centenary set #6. , [1987 ].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bazaar Drugs. [1953].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhagavad Gita & 12 Yogas (in Dutch).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhagavad Gita For Busy People.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhakti & Prahalad   [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhakti & Prahlad (Abridged)[1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Conquest of Anger [1997].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Conquest of Anger.  [1981].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Conquest of Anger.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Conquest of Fear [1997].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Constipation: Its Cause & Cure.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Control of Evil  Habits.  [1936].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Control of Evil Habits, [1936].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Control of Evil Habits. Gift of Sri Gurudev. , [1936].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Cosmic Rays. [1959]. Note: Letters to Sri Swami Sivanand Duranand
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Cultivate Virtues, Eradicate Vices Noble Thoughts Development.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Daya Bajanavali (Hindi).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Dhyana Yoga.  [1959].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Dialogues From Upanishads or Knowledge of Self.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Awakeners.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Awakeners.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Life: Sivananda Centenary set #1. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Life: Sivananda Centenary set #1. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Messenger 18.  Kuala Lumpur, [Sept 1972].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Messenger 18.  Kuala Lumpur, [Sept 1972].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Messenger 30.  Kuala Lumpur, [July – Sept 1975].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Messenger 30.  Kuala Lumpur, [July – Sept 1975].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Name. , [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine Name: Sivananda Centenary set #2. , [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Divine StoriesSivananda, Sri Swami. Elixer Divine.  India, [1969].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Elixir Divine.  India, [1969].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Elixir Divine., [1969].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Elixir Divine.[1969] Note: Last work Of HH Sri Swami Sivanandaji.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Epistles of Swami Sivananda [1968] Note: Facsimiles of Letters.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Epistles of Swami Sivananda. [1968].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Essays in Philosophy [1954 ].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Essence of Ramayana. [1961].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Essence of Vedanta
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Essence of Yoga  [1968].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Everyman’s Yoga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Everyman’s Yoga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. First Aid to the Injured. [1959].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Fourteen Lessions in Raja Yoga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Fourteen Lessons on Raja Yoga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ganges, Gita & God (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Gita Meditations. [1961].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Glory of Brahmacharya.  [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Guide to God Realization.Inscribed by Sivanandaji.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Guide to Sivananda Yoga Museum. [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Guiding Lights  [1958].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Guru Bhakti Yoga.  [1958].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Handbook of Instructions on Yogic Exercises. [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Handbook of Instructions on Yogic Exercises. [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Handbook of Sadhana.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Happiness is Within.  [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Happiness is Within.  [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri SWami. Health & Happiness (Tamil) .
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Health & Hygene; Anantomy & Physiiolgy.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Health & Hygiene (sic) [1963]
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Himalaya Jyothi.  , [1970].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Home Physician.[1961].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. How to Become Rich.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. How to Become Rich. [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. How to Get Sound Sleep.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. How to Get Vairagya.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Humorous Sivananda.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Humorous Sivananda.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Illuminating Messages. [1958].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Impressive Speeches.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Impressive Speeches, Philosophic songs.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Inspiring Songs & Kirtans.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Inspiring Songs & Sayings.  [1970].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Inspiring Songs & Sayings.  [1970].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Inspiring Songs: Pt. 2. [1940].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Instructions to Aspirants.  [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Instructions to Aspirants.  [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Isa-Vasya Upanishad.  [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Isa-Vasya Upanishad.  [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Karma Yoga.  [1940].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Karma Yoga. . [1985].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Life of Today & Ethical Codes (Tamil) . [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Life Transformer.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Light Divine  [1951].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Light Power Wisdom [1970].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Lives of Saints V.2  [1947].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Lord Shanmukha & His Worship
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Maha Yoga.  [1959].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Maha Yoga.  [1959].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Massage. , [1957].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Meditation on Om & Mandukya Upanishad.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Memory Culture.  [1936].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Memory Culture.  [1936].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Mind it’s Mysteries & Control pt.1.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Mind it’s Mysteries & Control pt.2.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Moksha Gita , [1949].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Moksha Gita: Song of Liberation. , [1982].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Mother Ganga.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Necessity For Sannyas (sic)   [1947].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Necessity for Sannyas.1963, [1947].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Path to Perfection.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Peace & Perfection. [1945].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Philosophy & Meditation on OM [1945].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Philosophy & Teachings of Swami Sivanada.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Philosophy & Teachings of Swami Sivananda.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Philosophy of Gayatri Sadhana.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Philosophy of Gayatri Sadhana.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Pocket Spiritual Gems. [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Practical Household Remedies. pamph.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Practical Lessons in Yoga   [1945].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Practice of Ayurveda [1958].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Practice of Brahmacharya.  [1937]
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Practice of Meditation (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Prayer Book.  – South Africa, [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Pushpanjali  [1946].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ramayana & Mahabharata (Short Commentaries- Tamil) [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Religious Education
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Religious Education (Tamil) Rishi. [1983].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Revelation.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Saint Alavandar or King’s Quest of God. [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sankirtan Yogam Kirtan & Yoga (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sannyasa Dharma.  [1964].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sannyasa Dharma.  [1964].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sarva Gita Sara.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Satsang & Swadhaya (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Satsanga: Sivananda Centenary set #3. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Science of Reality. , [1953].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Secret of Self Realization. [1951].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Select Spiritual Gems. [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Select Spiritual Gems. [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Siva Jyoti Sept 1961. [Sept 1968].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Siva Jyoti.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Siva Jyoti: Nov – Dec 1971. [De 1971].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda Amritam.  – South Africa, [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda -ism.  [1957].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda Suprabhatam. [1961] Note: Sanskrit poems of Sivananda trans by Jnanananda, Swami.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda Vani.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivanandar Arulvakku= Words of Grace by Sivananda (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda’s Letters.  [1960].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda’s Metaphysics and Messages.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Sixty Three Nayanar Saints.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Spiritual Experiences. [1969].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Spiritual Lessons. [1947].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Spiritual Teachings.  [a1950].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Spiritual Teachings. .
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Srimad Bhagavatam. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Srimad Bhagavatam: Sivananda Centenary set #7. [1987]
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Stories From Yoga Vaisishta.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Story of My Tour.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Students’ Success in Life  [1952].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Svadhaya: Sivananda Centenary set #5. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Svadhyaya [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Swami Sivanandaji’s All India Tour.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Swami Sivanandaji’s All India Tour.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga & Kriya Yoga. [1994].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Telegraphic Teachings.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ten Upanishads.[1945].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Thus Illumines [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Thus Illumines. [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Treasures of Teachings.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Triple Yoga. [1954].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Universal Companion. [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Universal Companion. [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Upadesa Mala [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Upadesa Mala. [1991].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Upanishads for Laymen.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Vaazhvilum Aatmanabhooylum Vettrikku Nischaya Maanayazhgal = Sure Way to Succeed in Life & God Realization (Tamil) [1983].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Vedas & Upanishads (Tamil) .
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Waves of Bliss  [1949].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Waves of Ganga  [1957].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Wisdom in Pictures.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Wisdom Light. [1957].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Wisdom Sparks.  [1947].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Women’s Light & Guide [1948].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Asanas & Pranayama (Tamil). [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga in Daily Life Yoga Vedanta  Forest Acad, [1955].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Mahanarva.  [1969].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga of Right Conduct.  [1939].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy Weekly.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy: III/43 26 June, 1952.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy: VIII/43 26 June, 1952.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Vedanta Forest University Weekly.[1952].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Vedanta Sutras.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Way of Life. [1968].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Way of Life. [1968].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga. [1937].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga: Sivananda Centenary #9. [1987].
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yogic Home Exercises.
  • Sivananda: The Yogi of India. [195?].
  • Sivananda-Hridayananda, Sw. Gospel of My God Sivananda.
  • Sivananda-Sobha, Sri. Bhagavan Sivananda.
  • Swami Sivananda: His Mission in South Africa.Valentina, Sivananda. Day to Day. [1978].
  • Valentina, Sivananda. Meditations at Dawn: on Divine Mother. [’79].
  • Venkaesananda, Sri Swami. Biography of Sri Swami Sivananda (Tamil).
  • Venkatesananda, Sri Swami. All about Sivananda.
  • Venkatesananda, Sri Swami. Sivananda’s Integral Yoga. [1965].
  • Venkatesananda, Swami. Sivananda Yoga.
  • Vidwan, Adhyatma Ratna. Sri Sivananda Vilasa.
  • Vighnay, Sivananda-Sushila. Sivananda & His Mission.
  • Vishnudevananda, Sw. Sivananda Upanishad.OM [1987].
  • Viswanathan, D.K. Sivananda Satsang at Geneva.
  • Yoga Vedanta Forest Acad. World Philosophers’ Congress. FA, [1961].
  • Yoga Vedanta Forest University Weekly. [1952].
  • Yoga-Vedanta Forest University. Yoga Sivananda.
Tamil Books Collection
  • Adigal, Prince Ilango and Danielou, A. Shilappadikaram + the Ankle Bracelet. ND,
    Aiyangar, M S. Tamil Studies. Asian, [1984 ].
  • Anandamali, E. “Jim & Raja” Conversations.
  • Anantharaman. Bhakti Sudha (Tamil).
  • Anna (sic). Upanishad Saaram (Tamil).
  • Ano. Perur Shantalinga Adigalar: Golden Jubilee (Tamil).
  • Anon. Arulmigu Pattesarasawmi Temple. Tamil Nadu.
  • Anon. Daily Songs & Worship (On Siva) Tamil).
  • Anon. Easy Learning of Sanskrit V.2 (Tamil).
  • Anon. Fundamentals of Hinduism (Tamil).
  • Anon. Gurubulam: Prayers & Songs (Tamil).
  • Anon. Pathmaanjali – Devotional Songs (Tamil).
  • Anon. Poems on Mahabharata V.II (Tamil).
  • Anon. Poems on Mahabharata V.III (Tamil).
  • Anon. Poems on Mahabharata V.IV (Tamil).
  • Anon. Saint Arunagirinathar: Sixt birth Centenary Celebrations (Tamil).
  • Anon. Saint Arunagirinathar: Sixth Birth Centenary Celebrations (Tamil).
  • Anon. Sivananda Mavuna Swamigal (Tamil).
  • Anon. Sri Naga Sai Mandir; Coimbatore. Note: English & Tamil.
  • Anon. Uttara Swamimalai Swaminataha Appuswami, P N. Tamil Verse in Translation.
  • Arivanar. Pancha Marapu; Tamil Songs.
  • Arivanar. Pancha Marapu: Tamil Music.
  • Arunachalam, M. Musical Tradition of Tamil Nadu.
  • Arunachalam, M. Women Saints Of Tamil Nadu.
  • Arunagiri Nathar. Thiru Pugar Malai (Tamil) [1994 ].
  • Arunasalakgandar, K. Vishnaivism in Tamil Culture (Tamil Panipatti Vynavam).
  • Asiryar, Arunasala. Saiva Sama Sintamani Saivism.
  • Asokalingam. Temples Explained (Tamil).
  • Aurobindo, Sri and Shankaracharya. Translations from Sanskrit & Other Languages.
  • Bharatiyar, Subramuniya. Bhagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Bharatiyar, Subramuniya. Gita Explained (Tamil).
  • Chettiar, Ramachandra C M. Tirupparupatha Yatrai= Pilgrimage to Tirupparupatha.
  • Chettiayar, C M C. Everyday Prayer Book (Tamil).
  • Cutler, Norman and Taymanavar. Mudaliayar, R B. Golden Anthology of Ancient Tamil Literature: V.I1959 ].
  • Desikar, Vidnan N. Mahamrtyanjaya Mantra; Mantras for Salvation (Tamil).
  • Devanaeyan, H J. Guide to Tamil Composition.  [1952 ].
  • Devi, Siva P S. Man is Going Somewhere (Tamil).
  • Fabricius, J P. Tamil English Dictionary.
  • Gandhi, Mahatma. Thoughts Of Mahatma Gandhi (Tamil).
  • Gasken, Puliyar. Tirukkural (Tamil).
  • Gounder, K Natera. Offerings to Sri Kandaswami Swamigal (Tamil).
  • Gupta, Mahendranath. Gospel of Ramakrishna (Tamil).
  • Innyatollah, S. Unity & Islamic Explanations (Tamil).
  • Iyengar, D Ramaswami. Thiruppavai.
  • Jaganathan, Q V. Tirukkural (Tamil)
    Note: Research edition.
  • Janakiraman, L. Gurudev Sivananda’s Golden Words (Tamil).
  • Jegteesh, N. Learn Tamil in 30 Days..
  • Jnanasambadan, A S. Perear Puranam (Tamil).
  • Kalandaswami, V S. Poems of Kulothungam (Tamil).
  • Kalyanasundaram, R N. Commentary on Tirukkural (Tamil).
  • Kalyanasundaram, R N. Tirukkural Explained (Tamil).
  • Kalyandasundaram, R N. Tirukural (Tamil).
  • Kalyannasundaram, R N. Tirukkural (Tamil [1955 ].
  • Kambar. Kambar Ramayana (Tamil).
  • Kanakasabhai, V. Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago. India, [(1904) 1978].
  • Kandarswami, L S. Agricukture in Tirukkural (Tamil) Gift of SG.
  • Kandarswamy, L S. Toward Villages (Tamil)  [1980 ].
  • Kandaswami Swamigal. Alangar Sindu= Songs on the Lord (Tamil).
  • Kandaswami Swamigal. Tiruperur Kalambagam: Songs on Lord Siva (Tamil).
  • Kanijaffa Naiker, R. Tirukkural (Tamil) [1998 ].
  • Karthikeyan, Sri. Life of Saint Arunagirinathar & Significance in Kandar    Anubhuti.
  • Kartikamanathan. Pathmaanjali (Tamil).
  • Kelar, Kovi. History of English Literature.
  • Kovilmalar, Swami. Kirupakara Sivasubramuniya (Tamil).
  • Kumaraswami, V N. Secrets of Well Being (Hatha) (Tamil)  [1954 ].
  • Lakshmi (trans by Sri Kaarthikeyan and Kaarthikeyan, DR Lakshmi, S. Sri Thachkanu’s Songs & Praise on Sridhi Sai Baba.
  • Lawrence, Jean. Tamil Handbook: Auto-instructional Course.
  • Lifco. Little Lifco Dictionary; English – Tamil. Madras: Lifco, [1977 ].
  • Madras University. Lectures on Tirukkural (Tamil).
  • Mahalingam, N. Calendar of the Bharath (sic), Then & Now.
  • Mahalingam, N. Gems From Pre-Historic Past.
  • Mahalingam, N. Springs of Thought (Tamil).
  • Maithaya, N. Three Great Siddha (Tamil).
  • Malar. Janiyar Adigal Memorial (Tamil).
  • Manisavasakar and Manikavasahar. Thirvachacam  [1956 ].
  • Margadasa Swamigal. Kaumara Madam Exposition (Tamil).
  • Meenakshisundaram. Kongu Proverbs: A Study.
  • Mohan, S Justice. Wisdom Thoughts (Tamil).
  • Mudaliayar, R B. Golden Anthology of Ancient Tamil Literature: V.II. Madras: Saiva Siddhanta, Mudaliayar, R B. Golden Anthology of Ancient Tamil Literature: V.III. Munivar, Kachiyappa. Perear Puranam (Tamil).
  • Murugappa, S. Rama Kathai – Kampa Ramayana (Tamil).
  • Nadu: Sanmarga Thodan, [1975 ].
  • Nagaswamy, R. Art of Tamil Nadu
    Naidu, A K. Bhagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Naidu, B R P. Sri Vasana Pushamann (Tamil).
  • Naidu, N V. Lord’s Play (Irranyan) (Tamil).
  • Naidu, P A K. Vyasa’s Bagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Nandananda, Sw. Attya Nivedhanam: Daily Prayer & Puja Vivekananda etc. (Tamil).
  • Nanjappa, C V. Crest Jewel of Discrimination (Vivekachudamani) (Tamil).
  • Natrajan, A L. Guru Nanak, History
    Natrajan, A L. Life & Teachings of Gautama Buddha (Tamil).
  • Natrajan, A L. Life of Prophet Muhammad (Tamil).
  • North American Murugan Temple. Songs on Tirumugan (Tamil).
  • Paramasivam, K. Basic Tamil Reader & Grammar: V.I.
  • Parameetharan. Glory of Arunachala – Tiruvanamalai (Tamil).
  • Paramsivam, K. Basic Tamil Reader & Grammar Supplement: Translations.
  • Paramsivam, K. Basic Tamil Reader & Grammar V.II.
  • Periadwamithoolan, M P. Songs on Muruga (Tamil)  [1972 ].
  • Perur Temple. Tirupperur Puravam Perur Temple (Tamil).
  • Pillai, Ramanatha. Thirvachagam (Tiruvaskam) (Tamil).
  • Pillai, S Satchidananda. Srimad Kumaraswamiyam – Poems on God (Tamil).
  • Pillai, V V. Tamil – English Dictionary.
  • Pope, G U. Tirurvacagam.
  • Prasad, Giridhari. Bhagavad Gita (Tamil only).
  • Pulavar, Ramalinga. Thokaipakarthi (Tamil).
  • Gift of S.G. S. India, [1969 ].
  • Rajan Publishing. Mahabharata V.1 (Tamil).
  • Rajashekaram, P V S. Neeththaar Vazhipaadu – Worship  (Tamil).
  • Ramaih, S M. Piraarthana Mala.
  • Ramakrishna Madam. Upanishad Saaram (Tamil).
  • Ramalinga Swami, St. Praising the Glorious Feet (Tamil).
  • Ramalinga Swamigal. Thiru Arutpa; Thiru Amudam = Nectar of Grace (Tamil) Tamil.
  • Ramalinga Swamigal. Thiruvadpa (Tamil)  [1985 ].
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.1.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.2.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.3.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.4.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.5.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.6.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.7.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.8.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.9.
  • Ramalingam, Sri – Commentary by ASD Pillai. Tiru Arutpa V.10.
  • Ramalingam, Sri. Arut Perum Jyothi Agawal. Note: With Facsimile of his writing.
  • Ramalingam, St and Arutprakasha Valluvar. Thiru Arutpa  V.3.
  • Ramalingam, St and Arutprakasha Valluvar. Thiru Arutpa () V.1.
  • Ramalingam, St and Arutprakasha Valluvar. Thiru Arutpa () V.2.
  • Ramalingam, St. Arutperum Jyothi Argaval V.1 (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Arutperum Jyothi Argaval V.2 (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Garland of Grace Effulgence Arul Vilaka Malai (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Tiruarutpa Aatu (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Tiruvaratpa Pukazhthi Tiratu (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Tolkipayam (Section on Letter & Word) (Tamil).
  • Ramalingam, St. Tolkipayam (Section on Porul) (Tamil).
  • Ramalingeswarar, Babaji. Saiva Sidantha Temple Complex.
  • Ramamurthy, V. History of Kongu. Madras, [1986 ].
  • Ramavariyar, P V. Arya Veda (Ayurveda) (Tamil).
  • Reddiar, A V R K. Soudarya Lahari of Sankaracharya (Tamil).
  • Reddiar, K. Poems of Shankara – Bhagavath Pathal (Tamil).
  • Reddiayar, K. Songs On Lord Muruga (Tamil).
  • Sahib, Abdul Gafoor. Acrobatics of the World.
  • Saktikamal. Annamai Swami (Goddess) (Tamil).
  • Sankarnarayanam, V. Aurobindo’s Spirituality, an Introduction (Tamil).
  • Santalinga Swamigal & Mudaliar, Murugesa -trans. Aviyodha Uthiyar (Tamil with Eng.).
  • Santalinga Swamigal and Shantalinga Swamigal. Avoid Any Killing (Tamil).
  • Santosham, V G. Biography Of Jesus Christ  (Tamil – Jesu Arukaviam).
  • Saravananda, S and Ramalinga Swamigal. Valluvar Kanda Otumai (Tamil).
  • Saravananda, S. Songs on Compassion: Based on Teachings of Sri Ramalinga (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda and Ramalingaswamigal. Arutpeum Jyothi (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda, S. Shakti Jnana Sabar (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda. Arut Perum Jyothi of St. Ramalinga Swamigal V.I (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda. Arut Perum Jyothi of St. Ramalinga Swamigal V.II (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda. Omni-grace & Science (Tamil).
  • Sarvananda. One Supreme God (Tamil)
  • Sarvananda. Ramalinga Swamigal –  Nataraja Pati (Tamil).
  • Sastri, Radakrishna C V. Vishnu Sahasranma
  • Satchidananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Kalai (Tamil).
  • Sculpture Coimbatore (Tamil).
  • Sethuraman, P V M. Salutations to the Guru (Tamil).
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Arul Valul – Life Story. Perur.
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Asetic Perverance. Perur.
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Kolai Manthal – Vegetarianism. Perur.
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Mayil Kopadava – Rules & Regulations of Temple Worship. Perur.
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Vairagya Deepam – Dedication to the Light. Perur.
  • Shantalinga Swamigal. Vairagya Satakham. Perur.
  • Sithbhavandhar, Sw. Bhakti Yoga (Tamil).
  • Sithbhavandhar, Swami. Karma Yoga Explained (Tamil).
  • Sithbhvandhar, Swami. Raja Yoga Explained (Tamil)[1962 ].
  • Sivacharya, Arulmaldi Swamigal. Collected Lectures on Saiva Siddhanta. Note: Tamil & Eng.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Bhagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Ganges, Gita & God.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Religious Education (Tamil).
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Vaazhvilum Aatmanabhooylum Vettrikku Nischaya Maanayazhgal.
  • —-= Sure Way to Succeed in Life & God Realization.
  • Sivananda, Sri Swami. Yoga Asanas & Pranayama (Tamil)  [1987 ].
  • Somaley. Sardar Vedaratnam.
  • Subramuniya Dhasika. Adall Vallan (Nataraj) (Tamil).
  • Subramunya, Sivaiya Sw. St. Thaiyumanivar Poems V.2. Note: Translated to English.
    Subramunya, Siviya Sw. St. Thaiyumanivar Poems V.1
  • Subri, Covai. Muruga Songs (Tamil)  [1952 ].
  • Subri, Covai. Songs on Muruga (Tamil).
  • Subri, Covai. Songs on Muruga IV (Tamil).
  • Suppia, Sivakali. Kongu Nadu Temples (Tamil).
  • Surairaj, S A. Verinbu – Treatment With Tulasi.
  • Swami, K K. Greatnesss of Murugan (Tamil).
  • Tandavaraya, S. Kaivalya Navaneeta (The Crown of Emancipation) Tran fr Tamil by Sw. Ramanada.
  • Thaimanivar. Tiruarutpa (Tamil)
  • Thayumanavar. Thaiyumanavar’s Poems. Note: Tamil only.
  • Thiruvanaka. Thiruvanaka Temple Consecration (Tamil).
  • Thoram, Periaswami M D. Musical Songs.
  • Thulashiram, T R and Sri Ramalingam. Arut Perum Jothi & Deathless Body; V.2.
  • Tirumular. Tirumantaram (Tamil).
  • Tirupanalvar. Nalayira Divya Prapandam (Vaishnava Scripture, in part)  [1973 ].
  • Udya Nivas. Udayasundari: Prayer & Songs (Tamil).
  • University of Madras. Tamil Lexicon; V.1. Madras: UM, [1982 ].
  • University of Madras. Tamil Lexicon; V.2. Madras: UM, [1982 ].
  • University of Madras. Tamil Lexicon; V.3. Madras: UM, [1982 ].
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  • University of Madras. Tamil Lexicon; V.7 (Supplement) Madras: UM, [1982 ].
  • Vacek, J. Tamil Reader; V.1. Note: Tamil & Eng.
  • Vacek, J. Tamil Reader; V.2: Vocabulary. India:
  • Vanmikanathan. Appar.
  • Varadhasanar, M Dr. Tirukkural Explained (Tamil).
  • Varier, P V Rama. Ayurveda.
  • Chikitasmargam: Ayurveda (Tamil).
  • Vedanti, Yogiraj. World Peace (Tamil).
  • Vedathiri Maharishi. Manavala Kalai= Cultivation of Mind (Tamil).
  • Venkatakrishnan, M G. Tirukkural (Tamil & Hindi).
  • Venkataramana, K M and Ramalinga Swamigal.
  • Sivan Arul Thirattu. Natal I
    Venkatesananda, Sri Swami. Swami Sivananda’s Yoga (Tamil).
  • Vinoba Bhave. Geethai Peruraigal: Teachings of the Gita (Tamil).
  • Tamil Nadu, Vinoba. Gita Pravachan: On Bhagavad Gita (Tamil).
  • Vivekananda, Swami. Light on Jnana Yoga (Tamil).
  • Vivekananda, Swami. Raja Yoga (Tamil).
  • Zvelbil, Kamil V. Classical Tamil Prosody: An Introduction..
  • Zvelebil, K V. Literary Conventions in Akam Poetry.Note: Eng Only.
Tibetan Books Collection
  • Blau, Tatjana. Tibetan Mandalas.
  • Bryant, Barry. Wheel of Time Sand Mandala.
  • Campbell, W L and Lu-Thrub. She-Rab Dong-Bu or Prajna Danda. [1919 ].
  • Dalai Lama XIV. An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Art of Living: Guide to Contentment, Joy & Fulfillment.
  • Evans-Wentz, W Y. Tibetan Book of Great Liberation. London: OU, [1954 ].
  • Gyalwang Cho-je. Complete Biography of Tson-kha-pa (Tibetan) Varnasi.
  • Kha-Dup-je, Lama. Biography of Tsong-kha-pa (Tibetan) Kalsang Lhundrup, [1966 ].
  • Kun Dga Syning Po and Go Ram Bsod Mans Seng Ge. Complete Works of Kun Dga Synin Po (etal) Vs.1 -15 (Tibetan) Note: 15 Volumes boxed set, Facsimile of Tibetan manuscript, several authors.
  • Madanjeet Singh. Himalayan Art. [1968 ].
  • Namgyal Institute of Tibetology. Red Annals (Pt.1) Tibetan. Sikhim, [1961 ].
    Note: Tibetan Version of Indian work on Buddhist ethics by Nagarjuna.
  • Padma, Kachen. Mirror of the rTag Jug (Grammar) (Tibetan)
  • Powell, Andrew and Dalai Lama XIV. Living Buddhism. NY: Harmony, [1988 ].
  • Rupa, Gyuan-chen. Biography of Milarepa (Tibetan) Varnasi.
  • Kalsang Lhundrup, Stevens, John. Sacred Calligraphy of the East.
  • Sumpakhampo. History of Tibet (Tibetan)
  • Tendzin, Osel and Trungpa, Chogyam. Buddha in the Palm of Your Hand.
  • Thurman, Robert A F. Inside Tibetan Buddhism. Collins, [1994 ].
  • Toyo Bunko. Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa Skya Sect.
  • Trungpa, Chogyam Rimpoche. Rain of Wisdom: Vajra Songs of the Kagyu Gurus.
  • Tshe-hpel. Tshe-hpel’s History of Buddhism in Mongolia (Tibetan).
  • Yon Tan Rgya-Mtsho. Deb Ther Rgya-Mtso.
  • Dharamsala, Note: Tibetan.
Buddhist Book Collection
  • Banerjee, A C. Sarvastivada Literature. India, [1957 ]
  • Banks Asoka Soc. Readings From the Tripitaka.
  • Basho and Yuasa, N. Narrow Road to the North & Other Travel Sketches.
  • Beck, Charlotte J. Everyday Zen: Love & Work.
  • Birnbaum, Raoul and Blofeld, John. Healing Buddha Note: Bhaisajyaguru, translations fr. Chinese Buddhist Cannon
  • Blofeld, John. Wheel of Life: Autobiography of a Western Buddhist.
  • Blofeld, John. Zen Teachings of Huang Po; on the Transmission of Mind.
  • Bodhi, Bhikkhu. Great Discourse on Causation: Mahanidana Sutta. Note: Trans from Pali.
  • Braverman, Arthur. Mud & Water: Collection of Talks by Zen Master Bassui.
  • Buddhaghosa, Bhadantacairya. Path of Purification: V.I.
  • Buddhagosha, B and Nyanamoli, Bhikku trans. Path of purification, V.II. Note: Trans fr Pali.
  • Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai. Teachings of the Buddha. Note: Japanese English.
  • Buswell, Robert E. Collected Works of Chinul.
  • Buswell, Robert E. Formation of Ch’an Ideology in China & Korea: Vajrasamadi Sutra.
  • Byles, Marie B. Journey Into Burmese Silence
  • Campbell, W L and Lu-Thrub. She-Rab Dong-Bu or Prajna Danda. [1919]
    Note: Tibetan Version  of Indian work on Buddhist ethics by Nagarjuna.
  • Chang, Chung-Yuan. Original Teachings of Chan Buddhism.
  • Chao, Tze-chiang. Chinese Garden of Serenity: Reflections of Zen Buddhism.
  • Chodron, Ane P and Geshin Prabha Dharma. Gathering of Spirit: Women Teaching in American Buddhism.
  • Churn, Bimala. Cariyapitaka.
  • Cleary, Christopher and Hui, Ta. Swampland Flowers.
  • Cleary, Thomas. Sayings & Doings of Pai Chang: Ch’an Master of Great Wisdom.
  • Cleary, Thomas. Timeless Spring: Soto  Zen Anthology.
  • Coates, Harper H. Honen: His Life & Teaching V.II. [1925 ].
  • Coates, Harper H. Honen: His Life & Teaching V.III. [1925 ].
  • Coates, Harper H. Honen: His Life & Teaching: V.I. [1925 ].
  • Coomaraswami, Ananda K. Myths of the Hindus & Buddhists.
  • Daita Shuppansha. Japanese – English Buddhist Dictionary.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life.
  • Dalai Lama XIV. Art of Living: Guide to Contentment, Joy & Fulfillment. Thorson,
  • Dayal, Har. Tweleve Religions for Modern Life. England: Mod Cult, [1938 ]
  • Demieville, Paul. Le Concile De Lhasa. Paris: 1952.
  • Dhiravamsa. New Approach to Buddhism.  Note: Trans from Pali.
  • Douglas, Nik. Karmapa: Black Hat Lama of Tibet.
  • Dumoulin, Heinrich. History of Zen Buddhism. Fromm, Erich and De Martino, Richard. Zen Buddhism &    Psychoanalysis.
  • Edgerton, Franklin. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Reader.].
  • Edgerton, Franklin. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammer & Dictionary: V.I.
  • Edgerton, Franklin. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammer & Dictionary: V.II.
  • Eitel, Ernest J. Handbook of Chinese Buddhism.
  • Elchert, Carole and Dalai Lama XIV. White Lotus; Introduction to Tibetan Culture.,
  • Forman, Henry J & Gammon, Roland. Truth is One: Story of World’s Great Living Religions.
  • Frawallner, E. Earliest Vinaya & the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature.
  • Grangani, Carlo. Three Symbolic Ways of Life.
  • Grimm, George. Doctrine of the Buddha.
  • Hanh, Thich Nhat. Sun in My Heart. Berk: Parallax, [1989 ].
  • Hanh, Tich Nhat and Kapleau, Philip. Zen Keys
  • Hanh, Tich Nhat. Moon Bamboo.
  • Hare, E M. Woven Cadences of Early Buddhists. London:].
  • Harvey, Andrew. Journey in Ladakh. Aston, W G and Barrow, Terence. Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from Earliest Times  to 697.
  • Hasegawa, Seikan. Cave of Poison Grass: Essays on the Hannya Sutra.
  • Heruka, Tsang Nyon. Life of Marpa The Translator: Seeing Accomplishes.
  • Hogen, Master and Crane, Kate. Other Shore. [1986 ].
  • Hokuseido Press. Shinsho Hanayama: Bibliography on Buddhism.
  • Honpa Hongwanji Mission. Shinshu Seten.
  • Hoover, Thomas. Zen Experience.
  • Hua, Hsuan. Earth Store Bodhisattva, Sutra of Past Vows.
  • Huber, Jack. Through an Eastern Window. Bant, [1968 ].
  • Institue of Zen Studies. Dialogue On the Contemplation-Extinguished (Eng. & Japanese) 1973,
  • Johnson, William. Kapleau, Philip and Dogen. Three Pillars of Zen; Teaching, Practice &Enlightenment.
  • Jayatileke, K N. Buddhist Attitude to Other Religions.
  • Kaluphana, David J & Kalupahana, Indrani. Way of Siddhartha: Life of the Buddha.
  • Kapleau, Philip. Zen Merging of East & West.
  • Kapleau, Philip. Zen; Dawn in the West.
  • Katagiri, Dainin. Returning to the Silence: Zen Practice in Daily Life
  • Kennett, Roshi J. Wild White Goose.
  • Kennett, Roshi Jiyu. How to Grow a Lotus Blossom..
  • Kern, H. Saddharma Pundarika; or the Lotus of the True Law.
  • Kern, H. Saddharma-Pundarika: Lotus of the True Law. Oxford, [1969 ].
  • Kongtrul, Jamgon. Great Path of Awkening.
  • Kopp, Sheldon. Here I Am, Wasn’t I
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Dhammsangani (Abidhamma Pitaka 1)  – Complete Set
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Dighanikaya, pt. 3. India: [1958
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Mahavagga. India: , [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Parajika (Bikkhu Vibangha pt. 1)
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 1. India: [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 2. India: [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 3. India: , [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 4. India: , [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 5. India: , [1958 ].
  • Kashyap, Bikkhu J. Pali Cannon Tripatika: Patthana pt. 6. India: , [1958 ].
  • Law, Bimila Churn. Legend of the Topes (Thupavamsa)
  • Linssen, Robert and Humphreys, Christmas. Living Zen.
  • Luk, Charles. Surangama Sutra.
  • Masunaga, Reiho and Dogen. Primer of Soto Zen.
  • Matthiessen, Peter. Nine-Headed Dragon River.
  • Mitchell, Elsie P. Sun Buddha, Moon Buddha; a Zen Quest.
  • Mitchell, Robert Allen. Buddha: His Life Retold.
  • Muller, Max. Buddhist Mahayana Texts.
  • Nagai, Makoto. Young East. [1958 – 1960]
  • Nanamoli, B. Mindfulness of breathing = Anapanasati. Note: From Pali Cannon & commentaries
  • Namaloli, B. Exposition of Non-Conflict.
  • Nanayakkara, D D P. Heredity Beyond Materiality; Causality & Moral
  • Nariman, G K. Literary History of Sanskrit Buddhism. Indian Book Depot, [1923 ].
  • Nishiyama, Kosen and Zenji, Dogen. Shobogenzo: Eye & Treasury of the True Law
  • Niwani, Nikkyo. Guide to the Threefold Lotus Sutra.
    Note: Mu Japanese Buddhism, Maha Hridaya Prajnaparamitra Sutra, Emptieness Heart Sutra.
  • Nyanatiloka. Word of the Buddha. [1959 ]
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