An Ancient Monastic Tradition

Some of the senior students of Swami Satchidananda have chosen the path of sannyas or monasticism. They take a formal vow of renunciation and, with total faith and devotion, dedicate their lives in selfless service to God and the entire creation.

These monastics are part of the Holy Order of Sannyas (Dasnami Sampradaya) founded by Adi Shankaracharya (8th century CE). Swami Satchidananda was initiated into the Saraswati branch of this Sampradaya by his Guru, Sri Swami Sivananda in 1949.

H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda

H.H. Sri Swami Sivananda

The sannyasins have the title of “Swami” which means “master of one’s self.” Sannyasins dress in the traditional orange color, which symbolizes the fire of renunciation. The sannyasins of Integral Yoga are initiated into the Holy Order of Paramahamsa Sannyasa, an ancient monastic tradition that originated in India.

The sannyasins serve the public worldwide in many ways, including teaching the various branches of Integral Yoga, leading workshops and retreats, offering spiritual guidance, and performing worship services, blessings, memorials and other sacred functions.

Yogaville’s Sannyasins

Meet the Swamis

Swami Gurucharanananda

Swami Gurucharanananda

Initiated 1975

Swami Karunananda

Swami Karunananda

Initiated 1975

Swami Murugananda

Swami Murugananda

Initiated 1975

Swami Hamsananda

Swami Hamsananda

Initiated 1975

Swami Divyananda

Swami Divyananda

Initiated 1975

Swami Daasyananda

Swami Daasyananda

Initiated 1977

Swami Sarvaananda

Swami Sarvaananda

Initiated 1977

Swami Bhaktananda

Swami Bhaktananda

Initiated 1982

Swami Vidyananda

Swami Vidyananda

Initiated 1983

Swami Dayananda

Swami Dayananda

Initiated 1986

Swami Jyotirmayananda

Swami Jyotirmayananda

Initiated 1986

Swami Suddhananda

Swami Suddhananda

Initiated 1991

Swami Priyaananda

Swami Priyaananda

Initiated 2005

Swami Sugunananda

Swami Sugunananda

Initiated 2010