
Ishwara Aref

Ishwara Ehab Aref was born in Cairo, Egypt, and worked as a professional dancer for 16 years at the Cairo Opera House. He moved to New York in 2000 and was introduced to the Integral Yoga sangha in 2004. In 2006 he attended a meditation workshop at Integral Yoga Institute New York that changed his life. In 2019 he moved to Yogaville, Virginia, and was certified as an Integral Yoga teacher. Ishwara then took residency at Integral Yoga Institute San Francisco. Because of his background in computer graphics, video, and photography, he started producing marketing content and graphics to help share the teachings. As a former dancer, he has been fascinated with freezing the moment and translating the power of motion into moving and still images. Currently, Ishwara is a registration manager and designer at Integral Yoga Institute San Fransico and works remotely from Egypt.

See more at ehabaref.com.